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Historical novels

Tagged by time period and not the place.

Dark Age era 0 - 945
Medieval era 945 -1485
Tudors & Stuarts 1485 -1714
Georgian era 1714 - 1810
Regency period 1811 - 1837
Victorian era 1837 - 1901.
Modern era 1901 - 1950

For a specific subgenre use tags or the search engines (Elizabethan, Viking, Western)

Tags/Labels: What do they mean?

Baby-free (epilogue) tag contemporary novels without pregnancy or children younger than 18.
Career/Workplace heroine's career is a major plot element
Courtesan (or mistress) the heroine had clients other than the hero.
Marriage of convenience tag won't have a marriage in trouble tag.
Marriage in trouble tag won't have marriage of convenience tag.
Older woman and Younger man more than a 5 year age difference
Pregnancy the heroine is pregnant for the majority of the book or trying to
Reunited lovers tag don't include married (and separated) couples tag.
Tycoon-free contemporary novels without multimillionaires heroes

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